
When I Grow Up

The truth is there’s a very fine line between embracing yourself as a work in progress and never feeling like you’ve arrived. If the goalpost of “enough” is an ever-moving target, Gang, we’re never going to get there.

And that then begs the question, what’s the damn point?

Hot Stove

We’ve been so wired to believe that the weight we bear is directly proportionate to the reward we receive that we’ve reached a point where we’re literally uncomfortable with being comfortable. Please. Read that again.

Missing the Point

We’ve lamented the pandemic for taking our lives away. For robbing us of our freedoms.

Yet maybe its biggest lesson lies in reminding us that we are the only ones who can take those things back.

From the Day We are Born

There may be no greater evidence of a generational divide than how people of different decades view the topics of health and longevity.

While younger populations have developed a seeming obsession with prevention and preservation, those who have come before us remain devout to a mindset of thoroughly enjoying their time on this planet.

Irrevocably Changed

“Be calm, be still, but let yourself get lost in a storm from time to time.”