“who would you choose to be if you did not know who you currently are?”

-Suzanne Vita Battinelli

In motion more often than not, Suzanne’s philosophy is heavily rooted in the concept of mind over matter. She’s guided by her belief that both the body and mind were designed to progress, even if moving forward requires taking a step back to reflect.

Through a combination of movement, mindfulness, and written and spoken word, Suzanne’s approach directly addresses the barriers many of us have self-constructed to stand in our own way. Her work is insightful, progressive and, at times, uncomfortable, but the end result is an image in the mirror that reflects back the version of ourselves we always wanted to be.

While Suzanne’s ultimate love is communicating in a way that makes people stop and think, her day job involves being the founder and CEO of The U, a full-service virtual gym headquartered in Connecticut. Her brand’s PrescriptFit® approach speaks directly to the way she encourages all of us to live our lives: with intention, strategy and plenty of opportunities for play.