soul searching

When I Grow Up

The truth is there’s a very fine line between embracing yourself as a work in progress and never feeling like you’ve arrived. If the goalpost of “enough” is an ever-moving target, Gang, we’re never going to get there.

And that then begs the question, what’s the damn point?

Unwrapping the Unknown

The litany of “what ifs” has run the gamut throughout the past year – literally 365 days of living on repeat, holding our breath for more of the same while simultaneously waiting for the next germ-filled bomb to drop. We’ve disguised our discomfort with nervous laughter about the predictability of comfy pants, failed homeschooling attempts, and copious amounts of alcohol consumed.

Yet beneath it all, our insides are rattled as we wonder, when will this all be done?

Packing Our Bags

This is the beauty of starting a new chapter, and a gift that is presented to all of us even without a pending, physical move. Because as the pandemic leaves us forever changed, it is time to start anew.

From the Day We are Born

There may be no greater evidence of a generational divide than how people of different decades view the topics of health and longevity.

While younger populations have developed a seeming obsession with prevention and preservation, those who have come before us remain devout to a mindset of thoroughly enjoying their time on this planet.