
An Ode to the Out of Office

Vacations. Holidays. The moments we seemingly build our lives around, escapes from the ordinary, underscoring what it means to depart. Proceeded by a sense of anticipation, in the days before our long-awaited time off, our bodies begin to taste the exhale, excitement building as we get ourselves situated to check out.

This might mean putting a temporary stop on the mail. Making arrangements to ensure our pets are fed. And for those in the working world, many moons ago vacation-prep was also synonymous with turning on the ultimate sign of freedom:

The out of office auto response.

Ignorance – or Bliss?

It’s a custom we undergo nearly every evening: My husband showers while I partake in a likely too-lengthy skincare routine. We share the bathroom, in one of those under-the-radar moments that speaks to the intimacy of a relationship.

The unglamorous ones that, in hindsight, make it achingly clear that you are sharing your life with someone else.

Hot Stove

We’ve been so wired to believe that the weight we bear is directly proportionate to the reward we receive that we’ve reached a point where we’re literally uncomfortable with being comfortable. Please. Read that again.